Price: $24.95
The Sudden Impact Leadership Transition ProcessTM: A 100 Day Plan for New Leaders and Teams to Achieve Breakthrough Results...Fast!
So you've got a new leadership job and a new team, now what? Today, you need to "hit the ground" running and show results almost from Day One. This self-help Guide walks you through the steps to help you learn about what it will take to achieve breakthrough results...fast!
70 pages (Softcover) ISBN# 0-113-1121-220

Price: FREE

The Sudden Impact Leadership Transition ProcessTM Placemat
Want a convenient reference tool for helping you through your leadership transition? This 'placemat' provides a calendar of activities and tips for navigating your way through your new organization.
2 pages

Price: $12.95
Caught in the Middle: How to Survive & Thrive in Today's Management Squeeze
If you're a middle manager with your head on the chopping block due to downsizing - or you just feel like a puppet on a string pulled this way and that by higher-ups in your organization - this book will give you the tools to finally take control of your career. It's packed with business-tested strategies to revitalize your role in a company too large to know you exist.
PRENTICE HALL 299 pages (Softcover) ISBN# 0-113-1121-229

Price: $19.95
Leader's Legacy: Lead your Life ... Don't Just Live It!
No matter what your title or role is, you are leaving a leadership legacy with those you work with and live with today. As a result of listening to this CD and completing the exercises in this workbook you'll be able to assess whether you are living the most meaningful life possible today so that the best part of you lives on.
EquiPro International, Ltd. Workbook & CD

Price: $5.95
Leadership Lessons for Graduates
This booklet was adapted from a speech delivered to the graduating seniors of Miami University. It encourages young adults to recognize that they have the power to create their own leadership legacies...beginning today.
EquiPro International, Ltd. eBook (PDF) ISBN# 0-99774347-5-3

Price: $24.95
World Class Teams: Working Across Borders
This ground-breaking book helps redefine the way organizations harness the power of cross-functional global teams. Lynda and her co-authors draw heavily from their experiences in the international corporate trenches to give managers, executive training organizations, team leaders, and HR and OD specialists a hands-on guide that will help them launch, lead, and develop world class teams.
JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. 320 pages (Hardcover) ISBN# 0-4471-29265-6

Price: $14.95
World Class Teams: Build a Bridge - Extend a Hand
One of the biggest challenges facing global organizations in the 21st century is how to build high-performance teams working with people from different functions, different cultures, different time zones, and with different personal styles.
Lynda McDermott has worked with over 400 teams in over 25 countries - she knows how to get even the most diverse groups to see eye to eye for their mutual success.
In this presentation, Lynda teaches you how to appreciate and leverage the diversity of your teams, look beyond surface differences to find common ground, understand how to bridge cultural differences and extend a hand in building collaborative working relationships.
EquiPro International, Ltd. Audio CD ISBN# 0-99774347-6-1

Price: $24.95
The World Class Teams SeriesTM Are you Ready for World Class Teams?
A Guide for Helping Organizations Create a Team-Based Organizational Structure and Culture
Is your organization ready to commit to setting and supporting high performance teams? This eBook provides a “World Class Teams Readiness Checklist” to help you identify the challenges you will face. If you decide a team-based organization will meet your business goals, you will benefit from learning the critical success factors for World Class Teams!
EquiPro International, Ltd. eBook (PDF) ISBN# 0-99774347-1-0

Price: $24.95
The World Class Teams SeriesTM Team Effectiveness Assessment
A Guide for Helping Teams Conduct "How Are We Doing?" Evaluations and Discussions
Research shows that those teams who periodically assess and address their overall effectiveness have better term performance and results. In this eBook you will find a comprehensive set of team effectiveness surveys and interview guides. You will also learn a 5-step process for holding a Team Effectiveness discussion and workshop.
EquiPro International, Ltd. eBook (PDF) ISBN# 0-99774347-3-7

Price: $24.95
The World Class Teams SeriesTM Team Values and Operating Agreements
A Guide for Helping Teams Identify Their Values and Develop Operating Agreements
Your Operating Agreements will be the "best practices" that reflect your team's Values. They will clarify actions and roles, and lessen confusion and mixed expectations, all of which can be sources of conflict for teams. This eBook will help your team develop and monitor their "ground rules" for team effectiveness.
EquiPro International, Ltd. eBook (PDF) ISBN# 0-99774347-4-5

Price: $24.95
The World Class Teams SeriesTM What's Our Need for Teamwork?
A Guide for Assessing: Do We Need to be a Real Team or a Working Group?
This eBook provides a "What's Our Need for Teamwork" Survey Process to help you identify whether your organization should operate: as a "real team" or "a working group" and how to improve collaboration and effectiveness.
EquiPro International, Ltd. eBook (PDF) ISBN# 0-99774347-0-2

Price: $24.95
The World Class Teams SeriesTM Team Jump Start
A Guide for Launching Your New Team
So, you've got a new team, now what? Before you jump in and start doing the work, it's important to that you "Jump Start" your new team for success. This eBook provides you with the help you need to systematically lead your team towards defining its Charter and Boundaries, establishing Team Values and Operating Agreements, and developing Team Goals and Team Roles, and clarifying critical Stakeholders and how they will be managed.
EquiPro International, Ltd. eBook (PDF)

Price: $14.95
The Courage to Sell Your Difference!
Do you have a calling card or just a business card? Are you just serving your clients and customers or are you cultivating loyalists? Do you just show up every day at work or are you trying to make a real difference as a trusted advisor?
In this stirring presentation, Lynda speaks to the hearts of people who make their living from selling products and service to others. Anyone who sells knows that it is a job that has exhilarating highs and soul-wrenching lows. Lynda helps her audience to find their unique ability that will help them differentiate themselves from the competition, develop trusting relationships with their clients and customers, and motivate them to courageously take the steps necessary for personal growth and professional success!
EquiPro International, Ltd.
Audio CD

Price: $14.95
The Secrets of Women Lawyers Who Sell Well!
Today women lawyers face the challenge of balancing the demands at work for both client billable hours and new business development. And they are asking the question: “Do I really have to do drinks, dinner and play golf (like so many of my male colleagues do) to be successful at getting new clients?”
In this revealing CD, based on her work and research with law firms, Lynda McDermott speaks about what successful women lawyers believe and do to excel at building strong client relationships and gaining visibility and credibility in their marketplace.
EquiPro International, Ltd.
Audio CD
ISBN# 978-0-9797220-1-1
NY office: 212-421-1645 / Tampa office: 813-415-3664
Email: lmcdermott@equiproint.com
© 2005-2010 Lynda McDermott, All rights reserved.